My Blissful Life
As a Submariner's Wife
By MJ Allaire

Book Signings

Thursday ~ September 15, 2011

Author MJ Allaire

Girl Time in Bristol CT

5:00 - 8:00 pm

Saturday/Sunday ~ September 17/18, 2011

Author MJ Allaire

King Richard's Faire in Carver MA

10:30 am - 6:00 pm

Tuesday ~ September 20, 2011

Author MJ Allaire

The Big E (in the CT Building) in West Springfield MA

10:00 am - 9:00 pm

Looking for a unique gift for that special military veteran or spouse?

Would you like to own a copy of this title to share with your military friends and/or family, or with someone you know who's struggling to pick up the pieces after divorce?

If you'd like to read more about one woman's often humorously insightful journey as an active duty military member, military dependent, and eventually as a divorced mother of three teenagers struggling to pick up the pieces of her own life, order an autographed copy now!

After reading My Blissful Life As a Submariner's Wife, you will never look at a military family the same way again.

Think you know what it's like to be a military dependent?

Think again . . .

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